CITA Foundation - Looking Ahead From 2019




CITA (Christ Is The Answer) Foundation/Education for the Underprivileged (CITA/EDFUP) was founded because many children in Africa, especially those with disabilities, stand condemned to beg on the streets unless someone acts.  In 2003, Dr. Esther Riverson, the founder of CITA/EDFUP met Micah, an 8-year old blind boy, at a church food distribution center in Ethiopia.  Micah was kicked out of school after he lost his sight at age five (5).  Dr. Riverson succeeded in getting him enrolled in Kindergarten in a private school -the only one in Addis Ababa that included blind children.  With seventeen years of financial assistance, Micah has completed his 4th year at Addis Ababa University where he studies law.  His younger brother Jeremy is now in third year studying accountancy at a University in Addis.  Jeremy was among the first Kindergarten graduates of Intelligentsia Academy, a school established and managed by Dr. Riverson from 2004 to 2007.  It was from Intelligentsia Academy that the need for CITA/EDFUP was realized.  CITA/EDFUP now supports underprivileged children in Ethiopia, Ghana, Jamaica and the USA.  A brief progress report of CITA/EDFUP supported activities is presented below.

  • Ethiopia.  Furra Model Academy, Hawassa (about 500 students).  In 2009, CITA/EDFUP donated furniture, playground equipment, books, toys, and teaching aids ($20,000 value) after the closure of Intelligentsia Academy.  In 2010, CITA facilitated a workshop for teachers of kindergarten up to 4th Grade.  
  • Ghana.  (1) Akropong School for the Blind (ASB), Akropong/Akwapim (over 400 students).  Since 2010, CITA/EDFUP has provided toys, slates and styluses, Braille writers, cassette recorders, recorded books, teaching aids, and over 350 white canes for students and staff.  In August 2015, CITA/EDFUP facilitated a 5-day workshop for 28 teachers and parents of the ASB.  The school recorded the lectures and the teachers have since used the material as a teaching resource.

(2) Akyeremade Children's Home and Learning Center (ACHLC), near KumasiAt the close of 2019, with CITA/EDFUP support work has now been completed on construction of the Rear Classroom Block of the Pre-School section. All the classroom doors and windows are fixed and a water tank installed. The bathroom wing has been walled and tiled, and plumbing and six toilets have been installed.  The Rear Block is connected by corridor to the Front Classroom Block, which is yet to be completed . A wall has been built around the Pre-School section, and the compound has been paved. Current need is purchase and installation of playground equipment. The school is expected to attract pupils from around the city, neighboring towns and villages.

(3) New Look Learning Center (NLLC) at Tanoso, near Kumasi. The New Look Learning Center was started in 2015 for children of pre-school age. Its enrollment has grown to 80 in 2019. It was envisioned as a preparatory ground for ACHLC by its founders. The pupils in Class 1 & 2 will be transferred to the ACHLC when it starts in 2020.

  • Jamaica.  Simon Basic School, in Kingston. Following the closure of the House of Love in St. Bueno, with the recommendation of our Jamaican sponsors, CITA/EDFUP shifted its support to St. Simon Basic School in Kingston, Jamaica. The School was formally established in the early 1960’s. It caters to children from 3 – 6 years and operates on the principle of integration including children with learning or physical challenges.
  • USA. CITA/EDFUP has continued to provide tutoring in math and reading to help pre-school and elementary students, in the Fairfax County, Virginia, build self-confidence and accomplish individual goals. In 2018, we enrolled in to gain access to more students. Their endorsement shown here is a testimony of the support and confidence in our program.
  • Collaboration with African Diaspora Organizations.  From 2014, CITA/EDFUP joined the Consortium of African Diaspora in the United States (CADUS). CADUS’ mission is to seek the support of international development agencies and African countries to include persons with disability, especially children, girls, and women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Economics and Mathematics (STEEM) Education. CITA/EDFUP hopes to promote its inclusive education model throughout Africa and other countries.

Fundraising Goal:

We invite you to share the link and information about CITA/EDFUP with your friends and family.  Look out for announcements about special events in 2020.

 MayGod bless you for caring for underprivileged children.

CITA FOUNDATION is a 501 (c)(3) organization and all donations are 100% tax deductible. Please visit us and like our page on:  Facebook at:


Our Regular Support Needs Include:
  • Child sponsorship at $35 a month ($400 a year) in Ethiopia and Ghana
  • Braille story books for Blind School Library ($30 each)
  • 20 Braillers ($790 each)
  • White Canes
  • Flip-Over Concept Books 
    • Line Paths     ($68 each)
    • Paths of a Whole   ($63.00 each)
    • Textures $125.00 each.
  • Setting the Stage for Tactile Understanding ($209)
  • Manilla Braille Transcribing Paper
    • 8.5" x 11"  3-Hole Punch (500 sheets/pk at $20.00)
    • 11.5" x 11"  3-Hole Punch (500 sheets/pk at $24.00)
    •  19-Hole Punch (500 sheets/pk at $25.00)
Category of Supporters
Up to $100--Supporter
$100-$500--Circle of Friends 
$501-$3,000--Cornerstone partner
$3001-$10,000--Leadership Council

Our Purpose

Our goal is to provide a good education for all children especially those from low socio-economic backgrounds. Researchers suggest that some children have unique learning styles which hinder their progress during group instruction. Therefore, individualized instruction is incorporated into the educational program in order to meet each child's unique needs, and to enable all our students to succeed in their educational pursuits. The objective is to train the students in critical thinking skills and good study habits. They will learn to use their initiative by transferring their knowledge in solving real life problems.

Our Philosophy

We believe that every child has a potential which must be nurtured. Each child deserves an opportunity coupled with proper guidance to develop to his/her full potential. We offer an inclusive program in order to provide access to a good education for all children including disadvantaged children who would otherwise have been deprived. It is anticipated that 70% of the students will be children whose parents can afford to pay, 20% will be children who pass the entrance examination but whose parents are not able to pay, or who do not have parents at all, and 10% will be children with physical,sensory or other disabilities. We believe that every child deserves a good education, and when parents cannot afford it, others who have been endowed with various blessings could sponsor the needy children's education. Learn More About Us

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